If you are not checking yourself and your intentions pride can easily sneak into marriage. I think it is important to make sure we have a heart of peace in our marriage. That we are not handling our differences within marriage with a heart of war. When we have a heart of peace we are reflecting inward and thinking about how we can better ourselves our how we can view the situation better rather than putting blame on the other or that the other person is the problem and that they need to change.
I think that the longer I have been married the better at this I have become. Don't get me wrong I still have a lot to learn. Early on in our marriage I caught myself getting frustrated by the little things my husband did that I didn't like. I would tell him I was frustrated with the way he did things. I viewed him as if he needed to change to make me happy. I caught myself doing this multiple times a day. I was prideful and thought HE needed to change. It took some reflection for me to realize that I needed to change. I was letting myself get upset with the smallest things and view him in that way. Once I decided to change the way I viewed him and the things he did, everything changed. I know longer let those things bother me and most of those small things he does are now on the long list of reasons why I love him.
Even though I regret how I was treating him before I am grateful for this experience. I was able to learn from it and because of that I treat my husband better. If I ever do slip back into those thoughts when I am frustrated I am able to reflect and think what do I need to change rather then him.