Friday, January 24, 2020

Defender of Marriage

Heavenly Father created the earth for us to come and experience mortality. God commands that marriage is between a man and a women which is central to his plan.

"Changes in the civil law do not, indeed cannot, change the moral law that God has established."

Although the laws are changing around us does not mean that doctrine will. We all have a purpose and rule here on earth that will help us achieve eternal life. We are taught this in “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.” (Links to an external site.) 

This Proclamation outlines specific rules and duties we have here on earth, I believe the things outlined in it are of God. I love that even though it was written many years ago it is very relevant and applicable to our times now.

The proclamation clearly states that marriage is between a man and a woman and is ordained of God. We were created to come to earth and live a mortal life. We were created to on this earth be husband and wife and build up our kingdom. Family is essential to the plan of happiness.

Although I do not personally agree with same sex marriage the Gospel continues to teach us to love all. Which I believe means treat others with kindness as well even if I have a difference of opinion than someone.

For anyone who has questions about same-sex attraction and the church I would encourage them to read the link below.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Fear of Marriage?

 I didn't really know or understand what divorce was until I was in the 5th grade when my best friends parents got divorced. At the time I didn't understand and was really confused why her parents gave up and couldn't love each other the way mine did. 

My parents have been married 29 years and have been great example to me of what love and commitment looks like. I stayed in this bubble not knowing much about divorce and thinking that everyone had what my parents have. Of course my parents have their differences but they work through them together. I didn't really consider what other people may have experienced themselves or in their childhood until my sister in law came around. 

My brother started dating this wonderful girl. We all adored her and they were perfect for each other! As time went on the more and more they would discuss marriage. One day she opened up to my family about her fear of marriage. 

Fear of marriage? Why would someone be fearful of marriage? Those were just a few questions that popped into my head when she first starting talking. I dreamed of marriage and what mine would be like my whole life. I wanted what my parents have. She expressed how marriage was intimidating to her because everyone in her life hasn't had a successful marriage. All she knew was failed relationships. She didn't even know what a healthy relationship looked like. 

She later expressed the more time she spent with my family the more she could see herself having a successful relationship because she saw that my parents could do it. She saw what it took to have a successful relationship and that is something she now wanted. 

After this experience of hearing how she felt I realized how much our parents relationship effected me which in turn now makes me consider my relationship with my husband.

I have been married just short of a year so of course there is still a lot to learn, but I am thankful that I was able to grow up with the example of a healthy relationship. I feel that has helped me in my own relationship with how I treat my husband and how we treasure our marriage. I hope that we can continue to make choices together that will be a good example for our future children. 
Here is a picture of my parents on their wedding day! 29 years ago